2019 Attendees

Reema Trehan

Junior Art Director
, Singapore


1.    Prior to being chosen to participate in this program, what did you know or hear about the LIA Creative LIAisons program?
I got to know about LIA though my agency colleagues here at MullenLowe
2.    What do you expect to get out of Creative LIAisons? What do you want to get out of Creative LIAisons?
I want to produce some work that I can put in my portfolio and listen to people’s journeys in the advertising life.
3.    If you were to choose what the speakers present, what topics would you choose?
How to find ideas in small things and make them huge.
4.    If you could choose any juror to interview for two minutes, who would it be and why?
Leslie Sims: I have been fascinated by her work and would like to pick her brain on what motivates her and what inspires her.