2023 Creative LIAisons Coaches

Paul Shearer

Great Guns
, United Kingdom

I worked for the lovely people at Wunderman Thompson as their Global CCO for the top 30 billing clients.

Helping make companies like Nestle, Coca Cola and  and HSBC even more famous.

This involves a lot of thinking around ideas.

That’s good for me because my favourite pastime is thinking of ideas. 24/7, 365 days a year. Apologies to my wife who has to put up with this. Still can't believe how lucky I am to do this for a living.

Before that I was CCO and Creative Council Chairman of BBDO Europe, Middle East, Pakistan and Africa. 

I did a lot of thinking there as well. 

I also think about what I can bring to the table that’s different.

I learned the importance of this at Bartle Bogle Hegarty and Wieden + Kennedy. RIP Dan.

I also learned that being a creative is more than creativity. It involves responsibility, leadership and lots of listening. 

I am passionate believer in building big brands through relevant and entertaining work. Success to me is the world talking about what we do.

I was a founder Partner of the Agency Nitro, an agency that embraced the new age of fully integrated advertising. 

I am also a keen director and encourage all the people I work with to be multitaskers. 

I have been in a bunch of  top 10 advertising rankings  and won a few awards.

I am a big supporter of young talent and constantly worry about future talent.

Lastly. I am a bad loser. 

But I have learned that a little bit of losing makes you better at what you do.

Thanks for reading.