1. Prior to being chosen to participate in this program, what did you know or hear about the LIA Creative LIAisons program?
Being new to the industry I had not previously heard of the LIA Creative LIAisons program. However since having a look I am really excited and honored to have the chance to participate in it.
2. How did you feel when you were chosen to participate in Creative LIAisons, an exclusive program of 100 attendees aged 21 – 30 from around the world?
When I was told I was chosen, my jaw honestly hit the floor! I genuinely can’t wait and know it will be an experience I will most definitely cherish. A week of networking and talks will be really useful and the location is just the icing on the cake.
3. If you were to choose what the speakers present, what topics would you choose?
This is very niche; but the art of writing very short radio ads. I’m also interested in social media and the use of influencers - is this a dying model, what’s the next phase? And lastly what are the future predictions for the advertising industry?
4. If you could choose any juror to interview for two minutes, who would it be and why?
I would like to interview Leslie Sims, because first, she seems like a badass woman and who doesn’t want to interview a badass woman. Second, I’ve read that she’s a copywriter so I’d like to badger her for knowledge. Third, she is in the Print/Poster/Billboard jury, and having a soft spot for that area myself, I’d like to ask her how she goes about judging that medium.