Thank you for every single minute of mind-blowing teachings we got from LIA. Deeply appreciate this life changing moment.
Before Creative LIAisons:
1. Prior to being chosen to participate in this program, what did you know or hear about the LIA Creative LIAisons program?
Not much. Mostly because of the great geographical distance I suspect. But I am here now and I will be spreading the glories of LIA to everyone I meet across the 4 corners of my country!
2. What do you expect to get out of Creative LIAisons? What do you want to get out of Creative LIAisons?
I hope to learn. I want to sip from the many legendary brains there and hopefully, I will be nourished creatively. I am also interested in having a fruitful exchange with my fellow attendees where we can share experiences and have fun together.
3. If you were to choose what the speakers present, what topics would you choose?
- What makes a winning campaign?
- What are the trends to watch out for in 2019?
- Is there a shortcut to achieving creative excellence?
4. If you could choose any juror to interview for two minutes, who would it be and why?
I would interview Torsten Hennings. Since radio is still the largest medium in Kenya, I would like to learn from him what can make radio ads I write stand out and make an impact