2019 Attendees

Simon Detournay

Duval Guillaume
, Belgium


1.    Prior to being chosen to participate in this program, what did you know or hear about the LIA Creative LIAisons program?
I knew about the festival, but I did not hear a lot about the Creative LIAisons Program. It will be a nice first experience of the program.
2.    What do you expect to get out of Creative LIAisons? What do you want to get out of Creative LIAisons?
I know it will be an inspiring experience. Seeing the diversity of ideas the world’s most creative minds came up with is just a huge boost for my creativity! It will also be interesting to take a look behind the scenes of a jury session and see what makes a great idea become an awarding idea.  
3.    Who from the LIA Juries would you most like to meet/speak with? (https://www.liaawards.com/juries/jury/)
I think that the Samsung Ostrich is one of my favorite ads seen these last few years, so I’ll go for Colin Selikow. It would be nice to speak with him!
4.    If you could choose any juror to interview for two minutes, who would it be and why?
I’m sure that Fred Levron has a lot of precious advice for creatives and I’d like to hear his vision of what creativity should be.