2024 Press Releases

30 May 2024

LIA Insider Issue 333


London International Awards (LIA) announces the Production & Post-Production and Music Video Jury President and jurors who will be onsite in Las Vegas.
Jury President, Charlotte Lepot, Executive Producer, DIVISION, Paris, began her career at world-renowned production company Partizan in the 1990s, where she cut her teeth as head of Music Videos. Since that debut, she has worked on iconic and unforgettable music videos for Daft Punk, Air, Radiohead, Kylie Minogue, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Bjork, U2 and many more.
Since joining DIVISION, Charlotte has continued to innovate and evolve the industry with the films she produces. Both fresh young directors and acclaimed household names have carefully but trustingly placed their visions in Charlotte’s hands. Just ask Michel Gondry, François Rousselet, Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, Alex and Martin, Quentin Dupieux, Jon Watts and Valentin Petit. In turn, she has been internationally recognized. She shows no signs of slowing down.
 Charlotte, says, "It’s a big responsibility and a huge honor to stand as the Jury President for these categories. I’m thoroughly looking forward to the enlightened and passionate discussions we’re going to have about this year’s films." She elaborates, "Discovering, discussing, learning and sharing with incredible jurors is really my passion! I’m always curious to see what’s next and get inspired by the greatest films from all around the world."
It has been said that a good execution can improve an idea. But a poor execution can downgrade a good idea. Obviously, having both is the ideal combination. That has been proven time again.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Apple’s renown “1984” TVC. Most advertising experts considered “1984” the greatest single ad. It is, arguably, the most famous Super Bowl ad and some even say one of the best commercials ever produced. Impressive for an ad that was only broadcast once.
About 43 million Americans saw the ad live during the Super Bowl. At the end of the commercial, the two announcers of CBS could only say, “Wow! What was that?”
Chiat/Day was the agency tasked with launching the new Apple Macintosh. British movie Director Ridley Scott was hired to direct the script created by the agency. Scott was the auteur who had brought the dystopian future to the big screen with films like Alien and Blade Runner. It was reported that this TVC was shot in a week and at a cost of less than a million. Reportedly, Scott accepted the budget constraints because he believed in the ad concept.
Having Scott on the team brought production to a different level. He made it looked filmic because Scott said they were making a film. Scott was devoted to authenticity and it began with the set design through to casting, to even subtle sonic touches like a coal whistle. It was Scott’s 60-second cut that went on air frame-for-frame.
That’s the power of a great idea with great production.
Barbara Levy, President of LIA, said, “There are so many commercials that we love. We can watch them over and over again because there is something so magical and special about them. Their concepts are brilliant, but their executions brought them to a whole other level. And it is all the talented people who were involved in the production and post-production that we have to thank for giving us those films.”

LIA 2024 Production & Post-Production
and Music Video Jury


Jury members, from around the world, will convene in Las Vegas for LIA judging. All rounds of judging are done onsite at the Encore-Wynn Hotel. Every judge is required to see every piece of work in their respective category. These juries decide on the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Statue Winners, as well as the Finalists. Each panel, at their discretion, also decide on whether a Grand LIA will be awarded.

As there is no off-site pre-judging, all judges are fully involved right from the beginning to the end, so everyone is privy to the final results before they are published.

Judging in Las Vegas commences on 29th September and will be completed on 7th October 2024.