LIA Insider / News

16 April 2024

LIA Insider Issue 329


Alexander Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer, Serviceplan Group
Speaks About LIA Judging and Creative LIAisons

LIA interviewed Alexander Schill, who was a juror on the 2023 LIA Integration Jury. Alex discuses his LIA Judging experience and how it feels a little bit like family.  He says, "You are surrounded by very good friends who are all very experienced in the industry.  The whole jury sees every piece from the beginning to the end. I really appreciate seeing the whole body of work, making the decisions together with the other jurors which is the best part.  With LIA we can really discuss every single piece of work."
Regarding Creative LIAisons, Alex said, "These days it is especially important to reinvest money in the youngsters or in the development of the business."   He went on to say, "I appreciated the young creatives watching the statue discussions in the jury room, because there for the first time we discuss the quality of the work, we see the ups and downs of every piece of work and I think this is amazingly important, so that you can learn why things are good, not only just looking at the statues, and finalists in the end, but to understand why something received a statue or why something that you think is good did not receive a statue. Besides the spark that is given to the young creatives in general, the discussion around the work is the most important thing."
LIA is the only global show that gives young creatives the opportunity to observe statue discussions, an invaluable learning experience. 
Not only is LIA's Creative LIAisons program unique, but so is its judging process. Watch the interview for more on LIA Judging and Creative LIAisons!