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Public Relations

LIA Announces Laura Gregory to preside over the
2014 Jury for Production & Post-Production and Music Video

27 May 2014

NEW YORK (May 27, 2014) - London International Awards, one of the world’s most prestigious international festivals with a mission to award creativity and the power of ideas in all forms of advertising, digital, branded content, design, production and music & sound, today announced Laura Gregory will preside over the 2014 TV/Cinema/Online Film Production & Post-Production and Music Video Jury.

Laura Gregory, CEO / Founder, Great Guns, London will chair the Jury for Production & Post-Production and Music Video in early October at the Encore Hotel Las Vegas.

On chairing LIA 2014, Laura stated, “The five days I served on the LIA jury in 2013 influenced me. I was inspired by the work. Motivated by the standard and what will come in the future, as a result in challenging our industry to achieve more. But I was so refreshed by the creatives who joined us for ‘Creative Conversations’. Healthy debate, strong opinions, passion and conviction from our future leaders, simply made me realize how privileged we are to work in this industry. That, incredibly talented young and dedicated people will ensure its future rests in good and provocative hands. In my role as a Jury President this year I look forward to continuing this tradition of excellence.”

Other distinguished members of the Music Video and TV/Cinema/Online Film Production & Post-Production Jury are:

Anna Fawcett
Executive Producer
Filmgraphics, Sydney

Stephan Fruth
Executive Producer/Owner
SOUP Filmproduktion, Berlin

Rob Galluzzo
Managing Director/Executive Producer/Founder
The Finch Company, Sydney

Andy Gulliman
Managing Director
Prodigious, London

Vic Palumbo
Partner/Director of Integrated Production
Deutsch, Los Angeles

Cecelia Salguero
Executive Producer/Managing Director
Stink, São Paulo

John Spary
Owner/Managing Director
JSA, London

Laura Thoel
Managing Director - North America
The Sweet Shop, Los Angeles

LIA prides itself on the fact that not only does the Jury President in each respective media evaluate all the entries in their disciplines, but that the entire jury also sees every piece of work.

The online entry system is accepting entries at www.liaentries.com.

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 29th London International Awards

LIA has established itself as a revolutionary global competition, celebrating creativity, the power of ideas and new technology in all forms of Advertising, Digital and Design. Defining its 29-year history, Barbara Levy, Founder and President of LIA, continues her innovative leadership, meeting the demands of our ever-changing industry. Launched in 1986 with a mission to be different, LIA was the first truly international award, accepting entries in Television, Print and Radio media from around the world. LIA now accepts entries into fifteen unique media types.


Entry System Now Open

Judging and ‘Creative Conversations’ – 3rd October – 11th October 

Shortlist Notifications Released – 20th October

Winners Announced – 3rd November 

For more information on London International Awards, please visit: www.liaawards.com.

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