Haris Fazlani: Reflections from Creative LIAisons
16 December 2021
Haris Fazlani
Creative Director
WØRKS, New York
Throughout the majority of my career I have been preoccupied with how I could learn from others to better round out my skillset, to find ways to create more compelling work and to establish myself in a competitive market…I’ve done this for so long and with such tenacity that I’ve forgotten to stop and look around.
I’ve slowly come to the realization that my experiences could be tools for me to impart what little knowledge I have onto others, to help guide the next generation of global creatives the way my mentors helped guide me.
I’m grateful to have interacted with my intelligent and ambitious mentees and am excited to see them continue to learn, grow and remember that, every once in a while, it’s good to stop and acknowledge how far you’ve come.