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Adrienne Eusebio a mentee from VMLY&R Philippines shares Reflections from Creative Coaching

22 September 2021
Story by: Adrienne Eusebio, Copywriter, VMLY&R Philippines, Makati City
I completed my third Creative LIAisons Coaching session with Umma Saini. Umma was very understanding as we changed the date of our sessions so many times, because of full weekly schedules and personal events, from both our ends.
The session was fun and insightful, as were my sessions with my other two coaches, Haris Fazlani and Brian Yessian.
Each session did not fail to jolt me back to appreciating the privilege of having a career that I enjoy. During each session, I made it a point to exchange stories and ask for my mentor’s unique perspectives for situations that I would not be able to ask my peers, my managers or type in a search bar.
It was wonderful to have one-on-one sessions from someone across the globe, especially at the time of COVID-19. Being able to be introduced and connected with industry leaders is gold for a young, creative introvert like myself.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to ask all the questions I wanted and the time given to me despite these industry leaders’ extremely busy schedules. Creative LIAisons gave me the benefit of getting objective perspectives and directions to the help I needed. I will not go into detail of what I learned, or the stories I heard. Because, I think this is where the magic of Creative LIAisons comes in. Each of us will want to learn different things, have different objectives, and will look for different things to bring home. It’s wildly brilliant that the mentors can address these in one way or another, and how each session is made unique, driven by the directions they give. Each of my sessions was as unique and as wonderful as my mentors, and each piece of advice marked a watch-out, green flag or useful landmark to help me in my journey in the creative industry.
Thank you again, Laurissa, LIA and my mentors - both in Creative LIAisons and those who gave me a chance to enter the industry.