2015 Winners releases

Patricia Censoprano
SVP - PR & Marketing
Telephone:+1 917 287 2824

Bee Lee
Public Relations


10 November 2015






(New York, 10 November 2015)  The 30th LIA judging was held at the SLS Hotel in Las Vegas, convening over a ten-day period. The Juries, led by their respective Jury Presidents, viewed and scored every entry within their medium, ensuring that all the work was judged equally. They concluded with final discussions to determine Grand LIAs, Statue Winners and Finalists.

On Judging LIA, Pedro Prado, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, São Paulo stated, “Nice city, great people, fantastic and relaxed atmosphere; all of this describes LIA judging.

We had an awesome group of judges - focused, not on politics, but on finding the very best work, the hidden gems, and nothing more. There were some exceptional pieces of work (especially in the Billboard and Poster mediums).

And if all that wasn't enough, the Creative LIAisons Program comprised of one hundred young creatives attending talks was inspiring to all of us. What a nice thing for a festival to do; a huge favor to the industry.”

Brazil picks up 32 Statues and 14 Finalists – 10 Gold, 9 Silver and 13 Bronze.

F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi leads the way within the Brazilian statue tally, winning three Gold, two Silver and four Bronze. They were also awarded one Finalist.

F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, São Paulo

  • GOLD - TV/Cinema/Online Film - Electronic Equipment for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “100”
  • GOLD - Integration - Multimedia Campaign for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “SoundLab”
  • GOLD - Design - Poster Campaign for Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo titled “Tourists - French”, “Tourists - Japanese”, “Tourists - British”, “Tourists - American”
  • SILVER - Music & Sound - Music Original - Underscore for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “100”
  • SILVER - Design - Poster Campaign for Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo titled “Ron Mueck - Man in a Boat”, “Ron Mueck - Mask II”, “Ron Mueck - Still Life”, “Ron Mueck - Woman Shopping”
  • BRONZE - Production & Post-Production - Direction for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “100”
  • BRONZE - Production & Post-Production - Cinematography for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “100”
  • BRONZE - Design - Poster Campaign for Nissin titled “Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil - 1940 The Second War”, “Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil - 1948 The Origins”, “Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil - 1958 The Revolution”, “Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil - 1965 The Arrival”, “Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil - 1971 The Evolution”
  • BRONZE - Poster - Use of Illustration Campaign for Nissin - Celebrating 50 Years in Brazil Campaign titled “1940 The Second War”, “1948 The Origins”, “1958 The Revolution”, “1965 The Arrival”, “1971 The Evolution”
  • FINALIST - Package Design - Graphic Design for Leica Gallery São Paulo titled “SoundLab Box”

Barbara Levy, President of LIA, commented, “I wish to congratulate the Brazilian advertising and design industry for winning almost 5% of all statues awarded this year. This is quite an achievement. I would also like to congratulate AlmapBBDO on their wins, which attributed to BBDO being awarded ‘Network of the Year for the second year running.”

Other Winners from Brazil:

AlmapBBDO, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Design - Motion Graphics - Animation for Global Commission on Drug Policy titled “War on Drugo”
  • SILVER - Branded Entertainment - Scripted Short Film for Global Commission on Drug Policy titled “War on Drugo”
  • BRONZE - Production & Post-Production - Animation for Global Commission on Drug Policy titled “War on Drugo”
  • BRONZE - Print - Consumer Campaign for Volkswagen 4-Zone Temperature Control titled “Grandma”, “Broke Up”, “Move Out”
  • FINALIST - Integration - Integration for Pedigree titled “First Days Out”
  • FINALIST - Branded Entertainment - Scripted Short Film for VEJA Magazine titled “Distorted Fact”

Casa Rex, São Paulo

  • BRONZE - Design - Use of Typography Campaign for Casa Rex - Mateus, Marcos, Lucas & João – Initials titled “Alfabeto Formato 5 x 5 cm”, “Alfabeto Formato 10 x 10 cm”, “Alfabeto Formato 20 x 30 cm”
  • FINALIST - Design - Poster Campaign for EDUSP titled “Mateus, Marcos, Lucas & João – Poster Set – EU”, “Mateus”, “Marcos”, “Lucas & João –Poster Set – NÃO”

FCB Brasil, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Digital - Innovative Use of Digital for Hewlett-Packard Brasil titled “Print for Help”
  • SILVER - Digital - Corporate Image for Hewlett-Packard Brasil titled “Print for Help”
  • FINALIST - Non-Traditional - Cosmetics/Toiletries/Pharmaceuticals for BDF Nivea Brasil titled “Nivea Doll”
  • FINALIST - Design - Branded Content for Zap titled “Houses in Exhibition”

GREY Brasil, São Paulo

  • FINALIST - Digital - Travel for Aruba Tourism Authority titled “Aruba Image Bank”

J. Walter Thompson, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Design - Brochures/Catalogues - Consumer for Alcoholics Anonymous titled “We Won't Help You”
  • BRONZE - Poster - Use of Illustration for Alcoholics Anonymous titled “Stair”
  • BRONZE - Design - Use of Illustration Campaign for Buzina Gourmet Food Truck titled “Rabbit”, “Pheasant”, “Boar”

Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Non-Traditional - Experiential for FIAT titled “Safety Wi-Fi”
  • SILVER - Non-Traditional - Interactive Installations for FIAT titled “Safety Wi-Fi”
  • BRONZE - Non-Traditional - Public Service/Social Welfare for Clube Sangue Bom (Good Blood Club) titled “Solidarity Queue”
  • FINALIST - Non-Traditional - Media Promotion for Clube Sangue Bom (Good Blood Club) titled “Solidarity Queue”
  • FINALIST - Print - Use of Copywriting Campaign for CVV (Emotional Support Hotline) titled “Toast”, “Party”, “Weekend with the Family”
  • FINALIST - Non-Traditional - Direct Marketing for FIAT titled “Safety Wi-Fi”
  • FINALIST - Digital - Innovative Use of Digital for FIAT titled “Safety Wi-Fi”

Lobo, São Paulo

  • BRONZE - Design - Motion Graphics - Animation for D&AD Festival titled “Wish You Were Here?”

Mullen Lowe Brasil, São Paulo

  • FINALIST - Design - Poster Campaign for Fini Vampire Teeth Jelly titled “Giraffe”, “Ostrich”, “Flamingo”, “Woman”

Ogilvy Brasil, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Non-Traditional - Live Events - Beyond Advertising for Sport Clube Do Recife titled “Security Moms”
  • GOLD - Non-Traditional - Public Service/Social Welfare for Sport Clube Do Recife titled “Security Moms”
  • SILVER - Poster - Public Service/Social Welfare for GIV titled “HIV Positive Poster”
  • SILVER - The NEW - Brand Content for Soccer Team titled “Security Moms”
  • SILVER - Integration - Integration for Soccer Team titled “Security Moms”
  • BRONZE - Radio & Audio - Public Service/Social Welfare for Billboard Magazine titled “Radio Pride Parade”
  • FINALIST - Non-Traditional - Guerrilla Marketing for Sport Clube Do Recife titled “Security Moms”
  • FINALIST - Non-Traditional - Experiential for Sport Clube Do Recife titled “Security Moms”

PPM and Company, São Paulo

  • GOLD - Design - Use of Illustration Campaign for Tendall Grill titled “Royal Cuts - Pig”, “Royal Cuts – Bull”, “Royal Cuts - Lamb”, “Royal Cuts - Chicken”

Publicis Brasil, São Paulo

  • SILVER - Digital - Innovative Use of Digital for The Voice titled “Skip Ad Festival”

Vetor Zero/Lobo, São Paulo

  • BRONZE - Production & Post-Production - Animation for Global Commission on Drug Policy titled “War on Drugo”


This year seven Grand LIAs were awarded: 

adamandeveDDB, London was awarded the TV/Cinema/Online Film Grand LIA for John Lewis titled “Monty's Christmas”

BBDO Proximity Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur was awarded the Poster Grand LIA for KFC titled “Burger”, “Drumstick”, “French Fries”

Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg was awarded the Non-Traditional Grand LIA for EXIT Deutschland titled “Nazis against Nazis - Germany´s Most Involuntary Charity Walk”

Leo Burnett Argentina, Buenos Aires was awarded the Billboard Grand LIA for Samsung titled “Safety Truck”

Leo Burnett Chicago, Chicago was awarded the Integration Grand LIA for Allstate titled “Social Savvy Burglar”

R/GA, New York was awarded the Design Grand LIA for Ad Council titled “Love Has No Labels”

The Mill, London was awarded the Production & Post-Production Grand LIA for SSE titled “Maya”


2015 LIA ‘Of The Year Awards’ were decided based on a point system on the outstanding work chosen by the Juries across all media. This year LIA awarded five of these coveted Awards.

The following companies were honoured with the 2015 Of The Year Awards:

Network of the Year: BBDO

Agency of the Year: R/GA, New York

Production Company of the Year: Smuggler

Post-Production Company of the Year: The Mill

Radio & Audio Company of the Year: Eardrum Australia

Of the 11,439 submissions from 72 countries, 8% attained Shortlist status. Of those elite selections, only 1.2% were awarded Gold Statues; 1.6% Silver Statues; 2% Bronze Statues and 2.1% Finalist. The vast number of submissions reflects the prestige and explosive growth of the London International Awards since its inception in 1986, when only 2,600 submissions were entered.

To View All the Winners: http://www.liaentries.com/winners


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Notes to the editor:

The LIA Press site has all the winners with full credits and downloadable media. It also includes Jury President interviews and downloadable Statue images.

To access the Press Site: http://www.liaentries.com/press/

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