2016 Winners releases

Patricia Censoprano
SVP - PR & Marketing
Telephone:+1 917 287 2824

Bee Lee
Public Relations

Japan Wins 30 Statues at the 31st Annual London International Awards

07 November 2016

Japan Wins 30 Statues at the 31st Annual London International Awards

Dentsu Inc., Tokyo Wins the Package Design Grand LIA

The 31st LIA judging was held at the Encore at Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, convening over a ten-day period. The Juries, led by their respective Jury Presidents, viewed and scored every entry within their medium, ensuring that all the work was judged equally. They concluded with final discussions to determine Grand LIAs, Statue Winners and Finalists.

Japan picks up 30 Statues and 11 Finalists – 1 Grand LIA, 6 Gold, 11 Silver and 12 Bronze.

Chaired by Pum Lefebure, Co-Founder & CCO of Design Army in Washington DC, the Design & Package Design Jury awarded the 2016 Package Design Grand LIA to Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for Nameless Paints, which received a Gold and a Silver from the Jury as well. Dentsu Inc. collected Statues and Finalist merits for several other works in LIA 2016, spanning numerous categories within Design and Package Design.

  • Gold - Design - Poster Campaign for D&AD Awards 2015 Exhibition in Japan titled “Pure Design Campaign”
  • Gold - Package Design - Recreation Equipment/Games for Nameless Paints
  • Gold - Package Design - Use of Illustration Product Line for Panasonic titled “Life is Electric”
  • Silver - Design - Brand Identity - Regional for Game Spot PALO titled “The Protean Logo”
  • Silver - Design - Brochures/Catalogues - Consumer for Panasonic titled “Life is Electric”
  • Silver - Design - Non-Profit for Organ Transplant titled “Second Life Toys”
  • Silver - Design - Product Design for Nameless Paints
  • Silver - Design - Use of Illustration Campaign for Tohoku Shinkansen titled “Slow Train, Slow Life - Get Back, Tohoku Campaign”
  • Bronze - Design - Art Direction for Genius Table titled “Meanwhile in Kyoto”
  • Bronze - Design - Motion Graphics - Animation for D&AD Awards 2015 Exhibition in Japan titled “Pure Design”
  • Bronze - Design - Poster Campaign for Japan-China Advertising Educational Project 20th Anniversary Exhibition titled “New Structure Campaign”
  • Bronze - Design - Poster Campaign for One Show Awards 2015 Exhibition in Japan titled “Another Mountain Campaign”
  • Bronze - Design - Poster Campaign for Tohoku Shinkansen titled “Slow Train, Slow Life - Get Back, Tohoku Campaign”
  • Finalist - Design - Brochures/Catalogues - Consumer for Heartland Beer titled “Slice of Heartland”
  • Finalist - Design - Use of Illustration Campaign for Turner Acryl Gouache - Painting of Paints titled “Straight”, “Zigzag”, “Wave”, “Fan”

Barbara Levy, President of LIA, stated, Nothing was taken for granted in the judging rooms.  The jury members were very conscientious when it came to Statue discussions. They visited and revisited each piece of shortlisted work again and again.  So you can be assured that the Statue winners in the 2016 LIA Awards come from a crop of work that is universally acknowledged as exceptional.  And the Grand LIA winners are without doubt, the best of the best. So my highest congratulations to our Grand LIA and Statue Winners.”

Three Gold Statues went to TBWA\HAKUHODO Inc., Tokyo, who in total acquired six Statues and one Finalist.

  • Gold - Branded Entertainment - Music Videos for Lyrical School titled “Native Mobile Music Video”
  • Gold - Digital - Weird Wonderful Work for Lyrical School titled “Native Mobile Music Video”
  • Gold - Digital - Branded Content for Lyrical School titled “Native Mobile Music Video”
  • Silver - Digital - Viral for Lyrical School titled “Native Mobile Music Video”
  • Bronze - Branded Entertainment - Experiential/Live Events for Tourism Australia titled “GIGA Selfie”
  • Bronze - The NEW - Media Innovation for Lyrical School titled “Native Mobile Music Video”
  • Finalist - Non-Traditional - Travel for Tourism Australia titled “GIGA Selfie”

Additional Winners and Finalists from Japan include (in alphabetical order):

BULLET Inc., Tokyo

  • Silver - Package Design - Gift Items for Imayotsukasa titled “Japanese Sake KOI”

good design company, Tokyo

  • Silver - Design - Poster Campaign for Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten titled “B0 Poster”, “B1 Poster-A”, “B1 Poster-B”, “B2 Poster-A”, “B2 Poster-B”, “B2 Poster-C”

Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo

  • Silver - Design - Art Direction Campaign for Musashino Art University Open Campus - Open Up Your Imagination titled “Shooting”, “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Walk”, “Dance, Smile”
  • Silver - Design - Poster Campaign for Musashino Art University Open Campus - Open Up Your Imagination titled “Shooting”, “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Walk”, “Dance”, “Smile”
  • Bronze - Design - Posters for Suntory Blended Whisky - HIBIKI titled “Japanese Harmony”
  • Finalist - Design - Art Direction for Suntory Blended Whisky - HIBIKI titled “Japanese Harmony”

PARTY, Tokyo

  • Bronze - Design - Innovative Use of Design for Narita International Airport Terminal 3 titled “Narita International Airport Terminal 3”
  • Bronze - Design - Installations/Displays - Permanent for Narita International Airport Terminal 3 titled “Narita International Airport Terminal 3”
  • Bronze - Design - Signage for Narita International Airport Terminal 3 titled “Narita International Airport Terminal 3”

Tokyu Agency Inc., Tokyo

  • Bronze - Music & Sound - Music Original - Song for Van Houten Cocoa titled “Mamametal House Maid”
  • Finalist - Music & Sound - Music Original - Song for Van Houten Cocoa titled “Mamametal Coming Home Late”
  • Finalist - Music & Sound - Music Original - Song for Van Houten Cocoa titled “Mamametal Lazy Boy”

Tugboat, Tokyo

  • Silver - Design - Use of Photography Campaign for JRA - Weekend Memories titled “Eye”, “Back”, “Tail”, “Legs”, “Profile”

The following companies attained Finalist status:

1-10HOLDINGS Inc., Tokyo

  • Design - Experiential Marketing for SEIYU titled “Handmade Hometown”

ADK, Tokyo

  • Design - Experiential Marketing for Toyota Hybrid titled “Toyota Barista”

Beacon/Leo Burnett Tokyo, Tokyo

  • Design - Product Design for Delicious Supplement titled “Delicious Supplement”

Ogilvy & Mather Japan GK, Tokyo

  • Design - Experiential Marketing for Refugees International Japan titled “The Refugee Collection”
  • Print - Use of Photography Campaign for Imytec Canon titled “Maykol”, “Rajesh”, “Cle`mence”, “Beatrice”, “Barbara”

To view all the Winners and Finalists with media and full creative credits, visit https://www.liaentries.com/winners

This year, fifteen GRAND LIAs were awarded:

adam&eveDDB, London and Final Cut, London were awarded the Production & Post-Production Grand LIA for John Lewis - Premier Home Insurance titled “Tiny Dancer”

Dentsu Inc., Tokyo was awarded the Package Design Grand LIA for Nameless Paints

Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg was awarded the TV/Cinema/Online Film Grand LIA for Volvo FMX titled “Look Who’s Driving”

FRED & FARID, Paris was awarded the Poster Grand LIA for Prodiss titled “Ma place est dans la salle Campaign”

HEIMAT, Berlin was awarded the Radio & Audio Grand LIA for Hornbach titled “You're alive. Do you remember?”

J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam, Amsterdam was awarded the Digital Grand LIA   for ING titled “The Next Rembrandt”

McCann London, London was awarded the Billboard Grand LIA for Xbox / Tomb Raider titled “Survival Billboard

McCann New York, New York was awarded the Branded Entertainment Grand LIA for Lockheed Martin titled “The Field Trip to Mars”

McCann New York, New York was awarded the The NEW Grand LIA for Lockheed Martin titled “The Field Trip to Mars”

PRETTYBIRD, Culver City was awarded the Music Video Grand LIA for Coldplay titled “Up&Up”

SERVICEPLAN, Munich was awarded the Design Grand LIA for DOT titled “The First Braille Smartwatch”

Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco was awarded the Integration Grand LIA   for REI titled “#OptOutside”

Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco was awarded the Non-Traditional Grand LIA for REI titled “#OptOutside”

Y&R NZ, Auckland was awarded the Print Grand LIA for Burger King titled “McWhopper”

2016 LIA ‘Of The Year Awards’ were decided based on a point system on the outstanding work chosen by the Juries across all media. This year LIA awarded six of these coveted Awards.

The following companies were honoured with the 2016 Of The Year Awards:

Network of the Year:  McCann Worldgroup

Agency of the Year:  McCann New York

Production Company of the Year:  Framestore

Post-Production Company of the Year:  The Mill

Radio & Audio Company of the Year:  Produce Sound, Johannesburg

Music & Sound Company of the Year:  Factory, London