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Hideaki Aritoshi
TV/Cinema/Online Film

Senior Creative Director
Dentsu Inc.

What is the “film”?

At the end of the day, this is what our juries had purely discussed throughout the judging. This was because the film medium of around one thousand entries, including traditional tvc, net movies, entertainment contents and case study films looked so chaotic. We were able to have a fruitful conversation about what is sweet for the film as the most powerful communication tool in this age.

LIA was the best place for this since juries could talk and listen intensely without any other noise (no seminar, no client, no beach party). The judging room was placed in a Las Vegas prominent hotel, but felt like the room of a Japanese small temple.

Awarded works will speak fresh perspectives into our industry and the next generation’s.

I greatly appreciated the smoothly organized system during the judge at LIA, and the nice members of our team.