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Laurel Sutton
Verbal Identity

Senior Strategist & Linguist

This was my first year as a LIA jury member, for the Verbal Identity medium. The experience was challenging, but also tremendously exhilarating and fun! As judges for this newly created medium, we had little precedent to rely on for evaluating and ranking the work, but that also allowed us the freedom to evolve rules and standards that we could all agree on. The variety of entries really pushed us to consider what Verbal Identity means, not only from a writer’s perspective, but from the audience’s viewpoint; does the work persuade? Does it establish a brand? Does it accomplish its mission in a creative, memorable way appropriate for its audience? Answering these questions was work that we took very seriously.

The fun part was sitting in a room with five creative, experienced, and super smart people who have a deep understanding of creative copywriting and debating these questions for two days. I learned so much from my panel cohorts; I had to think far outside the confines of my own specialty, naming. And we all felt that we made great progress in solidly establishing the Verbal Identity category at LIA. Next year’s entries should be even better!