PR / News

Paul Shearer

05 August 2020

Paul Shearer
Chief Creative Officer at BBDO Dubai

It’s always been a total surprise to me when a client instinctively trusts you.
How many times have you heard “We will go with what you advise”
It’s like you are a doctor or dentist for a split moment.
Everyone looking at you as if you can keep them nice and healthy.
It’s what we all dream of.
The feeling of “I am an expert and this amazing client recognizes this”
Makes you feel great and makes you want to pour your heart 24/7 into the work.
Smart client if you ask me. Get the best out of the creative.
It used to happen when I worked on Nike.
I guess it was more of a mutual trust both ways. But trust none the less.
I remember one project when we suggested putting 24 of the world’s most expensive footballers in a small cage and locking the door.
“Ok cool” was the response and off we went.

For the whole creative team, the project was extremely organic and honest.    
We all had our opinions and we all shouted them out loud.
And at the end the client nearly always said “ok your call”
Even the music. The main client hated it and we still managed to get him to trust us.
I thank the clients every time I see them.
Yes, trust comes with past results and Nike have a load of them.
But if you are in the thing together it helps. Even if you are not Nike.
So, I ask the question “can we use this crisis to gain that trust.
Hell yes.
This crisis can be an opportunity to gain a place in our client’s hearts.
A once in a lifetime chance to prove our true worth.
In these difficult times I think we can all do the right thing for our clients.
Cast aside the “it must be award winning” and think about what’s best for the client.
That is order books and their brand surviving.
We are all in one big mess and in my humble opinion the only way out is to do the right thing for the client.
As Mr. Bernbach would say “our job is to sell the clients merchandise not ourselves”
And “kill the cleverness that makes us shine instead of the product”
Kill the obsession with awards and status.
Put our egos to one side.
Put ourselves in the client’s shoes.
And sell, sell, sell.
Imagine the position you will be in when this is all over and you have made a real difference to the client’s sales.
Imagine where you will be if the client gets promoted. Saving the day for his company.
That client is a client who is never going to look at another agency.
And trust is also so important in the creative/production house relationship.
Look at all the great films the industry has produced.
All have one thing in common. Trust.
Another example I have was a project for Guess Jeans.
It was a brief from the amazing Laura Gregory of Great Guns.
She had the trust of one of the founders of the company.
My partner Rob Jack and I where asked by Laura to write a script.
Be bold like never before.
She trusted us and Laura she inspires every creative the second you meet her.
Well we did write something and the next thing it was being shot by one of the best directors I have worked with Andy Morahan.
Not only that Juliet Lewis and Harry Dean Stanton took the lead roles.
Surreal to say the least.
And the most refreshing experience of my life.
What happened to the client presentation?
There was none. The client trusted Laura and in return she delivered a film that I must say was pretty cool.
You can see the 5-minute version here. Yes, 1996 and we made 5 min films.
Content was around then.

I wish I could say that this trust thing has happened often than not in my career.  
But. I understand the weight there is on a client’s shoulders.
The pressure to spend wisely and get max results from the powers above.
And I have had my fair share of trusting clients.
Today I am glad to say most of our clients still trust us and for that I am truly happy.
It might not be the blind trust of the past. But it’s all credit to the fine people in our business.
So, if I can manage to get to my initial point.
Is the Covid an opportunity to show our clients we can be trusted.
I think so. I know so.
Do your homework.
Go find out where the client’s business is most effected and find ways to breach the hole in the wall.
It won’t be glamourous like Juliet Lewis and Harry Dean.
But it will pay off big time when things get better.
Trust me.