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John Spary
Music Video and Production & Post-Production

Managing Director
John Spary Associates

The LIA is unquestionably one of the best awards in our business, and so receiving a Statue or even Finalist here is recognition of truly great, creative work given that the level of competition is so high.

All judges expressed their own very independent strong views and opinions often resulting in further discussions and exploration of the production process behind the films we viewed. Diane Jackson was a wonderful Production & Post-Production Jury President and we were blessed by having such a fun and knowledgeable jury that I can now comfortably call friends.

Direction, Cinematography and Animation retained particularly high standards, but there was a notable lack of campaigns this year. Some great music video’s, but as always the cream rises to the top as proved by the awards you will see and the 2 Grand LIA’s we handed out.

As for LIA let me shout a rallying cry to all who might read this …. ’SUPPORT THEM’ - They are the only awards that give something back to our business. Look at the quality of work, the judges who see it and the innumerable creative teams they fly over to Vegas for talk sessions and meetings to learn their craft…. it’s unique!