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Diane Jackson - Jury President
Music Video and Production & Post-Production

Chief Production Officer
DDB Chicago

Sometimes magic happens.

Everything is crafted to create a film that just beautifully captures the purity of an idea, in such a spirited way. John Lewis Home Insurance “Tiny Dancer” nails it. The perfect execution.

LIA has a global audience and this film’s charm and message transcends barriers.

You want to share it, watch it over and over to delight in the subtle details and of the film, while enjoying a killer music track.

Coldplay - Up &Up

Vania Heymann & Gal Muggia bring complete originality to the screen is a visual feast that has a Hannah Hoch photomontage sensibility with a modern twist. We are constantly seduced by technical wizardry but this films seemingly low-fi ingenuity makes it impossible to ignore. .

This years music video submissions were outstanding but Coldplay’s “Up& Up” totally engages, surprises and delights, so earning the Grand LIA.

It was an honor to chair the 2016 LIA Post Production and Music Video jury with such an esteemed group of production experts from around the world. The discussions were spirited, with a commitment to ensure the very best work was included in the show. There is photo evidence of pillow fights and dancing in the jury room as we embraced our responsibilities whole-heartedly.

The range of work, from diverse markets and the quality of production was outstanding. We had to exercise discernment and often put aside our own cultural biases to give each entry full consideration for the categories it was submitted. I am proud of the awards given this year and feel that the work represents the best crafted productions in 2016.