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Jean-Francois Sacco
Print • Poster • Billboard

Chief Creative Officer

It’s been a great experience to be part of the Print/Poster/Billboard Jury, great leading by Susan Credle and good discussions about the work. We were really tough on the work, selecting only the cream of the crop. The quality of the jury was at a really good level, meaning that winning even a Bronze LIA represents a great award.

As a juror, I particularly appreciated the good conditions of the judging environment and organisation of the event (big lounges, great hotel, etc), which made it east to really focus on judging.

My favorite pieces:

- Air BnB 'ANIMALS': Simple idea, but great execution. It’s craft on craft and at the end it reaches the heart of the consumers. It’s great that this kind of very international brand can produce this kind of campaign, which provides an emotion added value to consumers.

Prodiss 'MA PLACE EST DANS LA SALLE' because it shows the reactivity of outdoor. Even if outdoor is an 'old' media this beautiful case proves the agility of this media.

Burger King 'MCWHOPPER'. Direct and effective. Demonstrating the power of print with a simple letter. 'If you want an audience start a fight'. This is the perfect demonstration.

Ikea 'SPECIAL OFFERS': Simple and direct on low prices. No fat only the muscle. Great Campaign.