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Larissa Kirschner
Radio & Audio

VP, Creative Director
New York

I have a love/hate relationship with writing radio and a complete love of radio writers. They are some of the smartest, snarklest, quickest, hysterical people on the planet. And our group of judges was no exception. I was sincerely humbled to be sitting among these amazing sound and word craftsmen and women for 4 days, and even happier to be doing it poolside in Las Vegas. Aside from the sunburns, hangovers and regrettable hands of blackjack, the work is what I remember most (ok and a debate at the Trump Hotel that involved “feline” statue grabbing). The Grand LIA winner used the medium in a fresh new way and made you actually “feel” the spot. There was a lot of “overwriting” and not nearly enough pee-in-your-pants funny, but when it was good, it was really good. And did I mention it was 4 days in Vegas? Please invite me back!!!