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Bob Farnsworth
TV/Cinema/Online Film - Music & Sound

Hummingbird Productions

First, I found it remarkable to be in a room with highly talented people from all over the planet with very diverse windows on life and creativity, yet being able to come to  a pretty strong majority about most of the work. There is clearly something in the human psyche that just shouts out "this is what truly excellent work looks and sounds like, " no matter where in the world you're from.

Second: I not only enjoyed the friendly debate about what the winner should be, but I thoroughly enjoyed the kindness and the fun of the people on our jury. GREAT PEOPLE!!

Third: I was amazed at how the entries are reflective of how much the industry has changed through the years:

A. Speaking to the music side of things, there are relatively few original pieces of music that use lyrics of any kind.

B. Whether original or licensed, a number of music tracks seem to operate somewhat like a compressor limiter to the storylines of the commercials, with the resulting emotional highs and lows being a narrower range than the actual story of commercial.

C. The continued progression of the power, accuracy and diversity of sampling.

Fourth: The courtesy and professionalism of the event was terrific. The members of the LIA staff were all very accommodating and were very helpful in making sure that (at least with our jury) we knew exactly what we were doing. They also gave us the professional respect of giving us flexibility where overly tight rules would have been unduly restrictive.

Fifth: I found it interesting that the LIA staff seemed to get along very well with each other, which set the atmosphere for everyone else. The result was that an overall attitude of humility and kindness was experienced all around.