2024 Creative LIAisons Coaches

Lulu Lu

Chief Creative Officer
VML Taiwan
, Taiwan

Lulu was the 2021 Best Creative Person in Taiwan. As a wordsmith who has been in love with advertising for more than a decade, Lulu is an ad copywriter, Chief Creative Officer in Taipei, author and a college lecturer. She always pursues new approaches to help clients' growth and influence Taiwan’s advertising industry. Her goal is to be active and committed in the creative development of Taiwan. She is a guest lecturer at Cannes Creative Week in Taiwan for several years and the first Cannes speaker in Taiwan officially agreed to "See It Be It" speaker, and a judge for Young Lion, Young Spike Taiwan every year. Not only is she a judge for major domestic awards in Taiwan, but she has also judged at AD STARS / Young stars, NEW YORK FESTIVALS, Spikes Asia, shot Awards, D&AD Awards, London International Awards, IMMORTAL Awards and ADFEST Judge. 

In her definition, effectiveness is what completes the journey of a great piece of work. She has won the Effie Greater China Awards almost every year, certifying her efforts of creating work that generates great sales for the brand.

Lulu has been awarded the Best Slogan Award, SHIAF AWARD-WINNING WORKS,TIMES AWARDS, Long Xi Awards, CLICK AWARDS, The WORK, ECI Awards, AD Stars, MCEI, 4A Creative Awards, Effie Greater China Awards, YouTube Works, DIGITALING Awards, ONE Show Greater China Awards, LIA China, New York Festivals Advertising, D&ADAwards,  TIMES AWARDS BEST COPYWRITING, PR Awards Asia and L’OREAL BEST INNOVATION AWAEDS.


“From different countries, but with the same passion.
Before the one-on-one meetings with my mentees, I asked them to give me questions first. The three of them all had the same questions. How can they advance to the next stage in their current positions? They are passionate about advertising and have considerable confidence in themselves. I gave different suggestions based on each person's needs.
Arundhati Singh, Copywriter, FCB India.
Preet Kaur, Senior Copywriter, Singapore.
Both of them are copywriters with positive ambitions. If your goal is to be a creative director, you must break the box. You cannot limit yourself to the box of copywriting. You need to enhance the artistic field, as well as strategic communication, etc., because creativity is not only in copywriting. You should think of yourself as a creative chef, because all chef's materials are the same. If you want to make your ideas more profound, you must add some new elements to them.

I sincerely wish that they reach the next level quickly.
Lynna Osalan, Graphic Designer, Edelman.
She is a designer, and I told her to keep pace with the times. I provided some AI tools that could help her become more complete and sharper in her art field.
I really like this sharing, which allows me to dedicate some of my own strength to help younger generations, fill advertising with energy, and let this power make the world a better place. If there is still a chance, I will be happy to continue doing it.”