2022 Creative LIAisons Mentees

Isabella Iliovski

Junior Art Director
Freelance Creative
, Australia


I have had such an unreal experience and I was able to learn heaps as a young creative! The 2 mentors I had have given me a lifetime of wisdom and advice! Thank you again for everything!
My meeting with Nickie Scriven was most insightful. I really wanted to get a female's perspective on the industry and it was interesting to learn just how she ended up in the position she's in. Her advice put my biggest concerns at rest. I have heard from others that work takes over most aspects of their lives and I feared I would eventually become one of these people. Family is the most important thing in my life and it was comforting to know Nickie has a family of her own and successfully balances her priorities. She also gave me advice on how to enter the industry and suggested an agency that she can put me into contact with. I'll definitely be reaching out to her soon to potentially seek out this opportunity. She couldn't have been more open, supportive and REAL. 

My meeting with Diego Wortmann was equally as valuable. We spent some time getting to know each other and there was no pressure to jam in as many questions as possible. He had said from the beginning that we can have as many meetings as I like, which was extremely comforting to know. Career wise, Diego is exactly where I aspire to be in 10 or so years, so any advice was more than useful. Much like my meeting with Nickie, it was great to learn Diego similarly values family and balances all aspects of his life. I'm looking forward to learning more about how he started his career fresh out of his Advertising degree, as that is exactly where I am at in life. Our next meeting will be sometime next week, and I have no doubt I will continue to learn the ins and outs of life in the industry and how exactly to enter it.