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Laura Gregory
Health & Pharma Craft

CEO / Founder
Great Guns

It was a blast of relief when we watched SickKids  ‘Anthem’ for the Toronto based Hospital for Sick Children.  No embarrassing tear jerking moments, no apologies.. just raw, bleeding, defiant, fighting kids. As a seasoned team who’ve seen everything, it’s rare to be moved by the power of perfect visual, sound, cast, production design, animation all resulting into a legal high.  It was a Grand Prix from the first viewing.

We must take our hat’s off to the client for buying such a brave idea, the creative team Carlos Moreno, Pater Ignazi, Craign McIntosh and Jaimes Zentil and Producer Dena Thompson at Cossette for the idea, director Mark Zibert for choosing his team.. and not to be forgotten the CAST, the 50 children and their families and over 100 hospital staff that made the film great.  The Cinematography was epic, Jackson Parrell’s portraits of the kids had moments of a framed masterpiece and all the other choices, track, the animation team, the use of locations, props, makeup, came together as one epic, inspiring, exhilarating, battle cry of OUTSTANDING.